Irish Jewish Museum

3 Walworth Rd, Portobello, Dublin 8

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Irish Jewish Museum

Opened in 1985 by Irish-born former president of Israel, Dr. Chaim Herzog, during his visit to Ireland. The first Jewish settlers arrived in Ireland in 1660 and the community grew within the years. Irish Jewish is a small, but vibrant museum, situated in once highly populated Jewish area of Portobello, Dublin 8 and was known as little Jerusalem. In the museum you can learn about Jewish culture, Jewish religion and history which is part of Irish life and history. It’s very traditional and common to look at Ireland in terms of Catholic and Protestant traditions so learning about the tiny Irish Jewish roots is a good experience and could be an eye opening. It’s one of the free things to do in Dublin and to hear tons of historical information about relatively small, but strong Irish Jewish community in Dublin and to check out newspapers, mementos, photographs clippings, plaques, religious artifacts and see original, old synagogue.

Opening Times

Winter (September to April) – Sundays only, 10.30am to 2.30pm and group visits by advance appointment only.

Summer (May to September) – Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays , 11.00am to 3.00pm.

Entry Cost

Admission to the museum is 5 euro.

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